About Me

I am a wife of 12 years to my hubby. I am a mother of 7 blessings. I have 5 boys...yes 5 boys and one girl, and 1 baby we lost to early to know. My youngest 2 children are in Heaven. We found out at 15 1/2 weeks that our Sweet Son, Isaac had passed. He had no heartbeat and had went to be with the Lord. We found out at 7 weeks that we lost Baby Sweet Pea due to no heartbeat as well. Both losses within 14 weeks of each other. I pray everyday to try and be the Godly wife and mother I know God planned for me to be. I am still a work in progress.


Monday, April 2, 2012

April 1st (AKA April Fools Day)

How many of us have posted on FB that we were pregnant but it was just a joke?

I am guilty of this.  I did it last year.  Funny thing is, I was truly pregnant about 2 weeks later.  I wrote that I was 5 months pregnant with our 2nd set of twins.  Some people thought I was for real, others didn't believe me.

Fast forward a year, and I saw a post on one of my miscarriage support groups.  They asked if anyone else had any one post for a joke that they were pregnant.  The ladies were upset and hurt by this.  I can understand now.  I would have been hurt too.  It hurts to see when people post they are pregnant, when we haven't conceived yet.

But I also feel like we need to be careful not to take everything so personal.  They do it as a joke, they don't even think about how "those of us, that have lost babies" will feel.  So question is, is it their responsibility to think about it or for us to just breath and let it go.

I think it goes both way.  We need to stop taking things so personal and people need to start thinking about people around them.  I don't think everyone truly thinks before they speak and most of them don't mean to hurt us.  Now, I have seen people that do mean to hurt us, and that is just wrong.

I've had several people start talking about wanting more babies in front of me.  And I just want to scream, "are you kidding me??" Do you have to talk about that right now???  In front of me??  That is where I need to remind myself, that they aren't doing it to hurt me.  They just aren't thinking.  They have NO idea how much that hurts.

So I am trying with myself.  To try and not to take things so personal


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